Well it's been a while. I thought I would put some words to paper (so to speak) and catch up on the current tech world.
As usual technology marches on; it seems a unstoppable machine of updates, advancements in speed of devices and how thin they can be made. But what about battery life? There are plenty of stories going around about new kinds of battery that offer extended life, or are quick to charge. The quick charging appears to be out there now in some devices, but the basic question about battery life on a grand scale remains unanswered.
Google have recently held their annual conference, revealing a new set of 'Nexus' devices as well as a tablet and Chromecast devices. But what happened to the great value when buying a Nexus device? The prices have been creeping up unfortunately. I guess that business plan ultimately proved unsustainable.
Microsoft have also announced some changes, a new surface pro plus some new phones. All this is making Microsoft more attractive especially as Google seem somewhat embroiled in some anti-trust issues that suggest that perhaps we don't want to be 'sharing' as much data as we do.
And Apple; not so much the pioneers they once seemed to be but continue to turn out well-though and well-made devices. They have also made a point of their transparency with our data, which is reassuring for customers. Shame they are so damn expensive!
So it is all to play for. Canonical has been pretty quiet but still moving forward. I still would like to see the 'proper' Ubuntu phone touted as an all-in-one device that can dock with a screen and keyboard to become a full-blown PC. I would like to support them more but their phone OS is not quite there and missing what I regard as essential apps such as maps with navigation. Though it seems Microsoft are pursuing the same idea, the do-it-all phone. I suppose they have more chance of pulling it off; they certainly have to resources to do so. So watch this space I guess!
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